Roses Decorative


Roses Decorative

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Roses Decorative

The  Roses Decorative  designs have 2 sizes included with all 19

130x100mm, 5 inch x4 inch
200x130mm hoop, 8×5 inch

Bonus Extras vary
In size up to 400 mm, 16 inches

When you purchase this item, you’ll get a digital file that works with embroidery machines! You can effortlessly download and open this file in different formats, allowing you to access the design files quickly.

The included machine format for the  designs are DST, EXP, HUS, JEF, PES, VIP, VP3, XXX, and Color Charts. Here are some of the most popular brands in the sewing industry: Brother, Baby Lock, Janome, Bernina, Husqvarna Viking, Pfaff, Singer, and more.

To ensure compatibility, you can download a free design from the Free Designs category. Upon purchasing these designs, you will receive a license to use it on your embroidery machine. This license allows you the freedom to create and sell items. Please be aware that factory production or mass retail sale is not permitted. Also, it’s important to mention that selling or distributing the design file itself is strictly prohibited, as Pam’s Embroidery owns the copyright. For more details, we recommend you refer to our licensing policy.

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Discover a world of spectacular  machine embroidery designs that are of the highest quality for machine embroidery designs that you can use to enhance your clothes, quilt, and make appliques, wall hangings, cushion covers, tea towels, towels, and even placemats, denim jackets, knitted and felted bags, sheer overlays, pillowcases, stretch knits, teddy bears and embellishing baby clothes. Find high-quality designs to enhance your projects and add a personal touch to your creations. Explore our collection now.



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